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Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity

Николай Камзин

Знание - несокрушимая сила, и книга - вечный фонд премудрости. И идеальный спутник в пути! И это отменный образчик той доступной литературы, что способствует расширению кругозора, приносит знания и развлекает - "Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity"

In order to develop production and expand markets for all interested in handling financial resources. Own funds are limited because actual borrowed funds of credit institutions. Loan is secured by collateral, for which execution is levied for improper fulfillment of financial obligations. When activated, deposit procedures arises business process by which the performance of collateral, encumbered with outstanding financial obligation, it becomes a catalyst for dispersion of its value among the involved credit institutions affiliated to it the same structures, and the borrower, the owner of the collateral, forced to pay for their services. Registry of collateral individual credit institution is the value of having a monetary value, or more precisely register the debt, the return of the collateral is provided, during the implementation procedures of the collateral is an extremely topical issue of cost. Affiliated bank structure use a "ready" for implementation of the collateral as a financial instrument whose value is dynamic in time.

Нет сомнений, что "Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity" развлечет вас, поможет вам и станет источником вдохновения!

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Среди книг, как и среди людей, можно попасть в хорошее и в дурное общество. (Гельвеций К.)


Микоян пишет мемуары под названием: "от Ильича до Ильича без инфаркта и паралича". Подзаголовок: "пятьдесят лет в струю".

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