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Theory and practical aspects of Internationa settlements. Economic cooperation

Николай Камзин

Непобедимое оружие - знание, и книга - основной носитель знания. Но не только... И это замечательный вид того рода доступной литературы, что помогает расширять кругозор, несет знания, да еще и развлекает - "Theory and practical aspects of Internationa settlements. Economic cooperation"

As part of the dynamics of international economic cooperation by the need for mutual settlement operations, so the problem of organization of settlements is an important place for the economically active subjects, especially in a globalized economic space in the functioning of transnational structures and scale of the export, import and international financial transactions. In agreeing on the order of calculations, the participants determined the form of payment in order to fulfill the financial obligations of the agreement – regulated by means of voluntary compliance through a credit institution liabilities, characterized by specific features on the order of transfer of funds to the account, a certain kind of settlement document, as well as office procedures. The source of payment relations is the need to have one contractor expressed in the appropriate disposition, the other in shortage. This relationship gives rise as a consequence of the relationship with the lending institution. Need to accession will intensify in the subjects of international payment relationship.

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