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Practical aspects of neue kombinationen. Essence of entrepreneurship and settlement relations

Николай Камзин

Знание - оружие, и книга - незаменимый фонд познаний. И это ещё не всё! И это убедительный эталон такой доступной литературы, что дарит новые сведения из разнообразных областей, способствует расширению кругозора и является прекрасным подарком - "Practical aspects of neue kombinationen. Essence of entrepreneurship and settlement relations"

The question about the source of additional income has always been central in identifying the essence of entrepreneurship. For the study of any dynamical and structural extensive system requires a lot of intellectual effort. Having learned the essence, identifying potential internal and external display can clearly represent the structure and dynamics of the phenomena deduced. Specifying the study by examining the individual elements, and identifying cause-effect relationship of the dynamic state of the phenomenon and the world around him. International entrepreneurship as a phenomenon involved in the activity in many areas of society. The knowledge of his nature will allow all stakeholders to harmonize the internal mental processes and environmental reality. The consumer uses to access the world's goods. The entrepreneur is critical and represents their innovative ideas. Businessman realizes in practice commercial projects. The State creates conditions for personal development and political and economic means affect the cross-border commodity and cash flows, international payments.

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