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Читает актер Сергей Чонишвили. Великолепные книги писателя Алексанра Дюма будут актуальны нам и двадцать тысяч лет спустя.

Rise of the Dragons

Morgan Rice

Знание - великая сила, и книга - основной аккумулятор мудрости. И не только их... И это яркий образец такого рода доступной литературы, что приносит знания и становится верным другом, хорошим советчиком и попутчиком - "Rise of the Dragons"

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: "Rise of the Dragons" ("Kings and Sorcerers" – Book 1). Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is. When Kyra comes of age and the local lord comes to take her away, her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she journeys out on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon – and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever. 15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the magical source of the kingdom's power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too – and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever. With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, "Rise of the Dragons" is a sweeping saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, destiny, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Несомненно, что "Rise of the Dragons" окажется для вас познавательной и интересной.

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В тему!


Сколько дней труда, сколько ночей без сна, сколько усилий ума, сколько надежд и страхов, сколько долгих жизней усердного изучения вылиты здесь в мелких типографских шрифтах и стиснуты в тесном пространстве окружающих нас полок. (Смит А.)


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